These phone numbers mysteriously give a busy signal. Hello PSXHAX members, not long ago people with 1.76 OFW PlayStation 4 consoles had some exciting news from PS4 Developers BadChoicesZ and kurt2467 confirming that you can mod games on the PlayStation 4. re: gta 5 - mod menu 1.24/1.26 (no jailbreak) (ps3,ps4,xbox 360,xbox 1) Can any modder help me get a modded account on ps4 if you could can I get it free send me a message on ps4 at biggboss1320.
They simulate answering machines and services. These numbers are related to in-game businesses and people. Slow Motion Aiming (Enter 3 times for full effect)Īside from the GTA V cell phone cheats above, there are other codes and numbers that are known to lead to various characters or businesses in the GTA 5 universe.
Slow Motion (Enter 3 times for full effect) Press DPad Down/DPad Up to navigate the menu Press X to select the mods you want Press B to close the menuPS3 / PS4: Press 元 + R3 to open the menu Download the Mod Menu files Download SevenZIP Extract the files using SevenZIP Move the mod menu files to your USB Insert the USB with the modded files on your console.